Hey guys! It’s SUPER cold our there and getting the cold, cough and even the flu is around the corner. That’s why I made this Miracle tea for the cough and cold. This tea will relieve those ugly symptoms we have when we are getting sick.
I highly recommend drinking this tea just after you feel the 1st symptoms of the disease to weaken the virus and make it go away. If you have already the virus in you, don’t worry! take this tea as soon as possible, it will make you feel much better :)

Properties and effects of Species: 
Chamomile: Muscular and nervous Relaxers (helps to sleep) 
Cloves: It has antibacterial, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Thyme: Treats disorders in the respiratory tract. Has a disinfectant, healing, antiseptic and expectorant effects.
Whole Black Pepper: It’s a powerful antibacterial element, relieves coughs and colds. 
Ginger: It has anti-inflammatory properties. Excellent for colds and it’s an expectorant.
Honey: Also called a sweet antibiotic. It is antiseptic and healing. It relieves cough and sore throat.
Lime: Helps fighting colds and relieves fever. It strengthens the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. It contains lots of vitamin C. 

5 cups of Water 
1 Bag of Chamomile Tea 
2 Whole Cloves 
1 tbsp. Whole Black Pepper 
1 tbsp. Thyme 
5 slices of Ginger
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon powder or 1 Cinnamon stick
1 tbsp. Honey 
Lemon Juice to taste 

Video Tutorial:

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